Monday, April 22, 2024

Puzzle #225: A Novel Idea

The other day, I noticed that the three most famous books by a certain 15-letter author also have 15-letter titles! Surely I'm the first crossword constructor in history to notice this. Some might say that three book titles and an author name does not an interesting theme make, and it would be better to have some additional theming. But personally, I think this puzzle (pdf, puz, pdf solution) is enough.


  1. Three 15-letter titles and a 15-letter author is indeed an interesting theme! Very nice job. I tried to figure out how to put that sentiment in a 15-letter comment, but I failed!

  2. love love love the theme and the puzzle! Incredible! :)

  3. I really enjoyed this, thank you! first time I've ever rushed to the remaining theme answers to fill them in immediately after getting the first one :D also, love the clue for 51A

  4. I donate regularly to this dude. 'Nuf said.
